offer 3
Offer 2
Offer 1


Make a Good First Impression

Ad Design

Your ad's creative or graphic image is the first thing customers see when browsing offers on CherriPik – the more enticing the better.

Provide an image or have a CherriPik designer create one for you (see below). Acceptable formats: jpg, gif, png, or pdf. Size: 326 pixels/inch, 640x1136. Will adjust if needed.

CherriPik reserves the right to reject creative done in poor taste.

Offer Image 4

Use Our Design


Our designers create compelling visuals to attract people to your ad in the CherriPik showcase. Use our design services as needed.

Offer ExampleOffer ExampleOffer ExampleOffer Example

    Creative Ad Design

A custom designed advertisement to showcase your offer*. Can be used as a template to minimize cost and improve brand recognition with customers.

     Offer Update

Take advantage of your look and feel: when ready to post we'll refresh the existing creative with your new offer details*.

* Photos purchased or supplied by advertiser.