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The Offer

It starts with your offer - tempt, entice, excite, and as my good friend Mark puts it, “dangle a carrot” - to make more sales.

You might announce a sale, give an off-day discount, or post a daily special. Maybe spice things up with a video to showcase a service, demonstrate a product, or display the latest styles. 

What would your first offer be?

Hyper Word-of-Mouth

Let customers know how to get your offers, and you know, they are sure to tell friends and family. It's a great way to encourage another visit and grow receipts. Then, because each business on CherriPik attracts their own customers, your offer connects to an ever-growing number of potential customers. Now that's hyper word-of-mouth.

It’s easy to stay in touch with current customers as well as promote your products and services to prospective ones with CherriPik.

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The Main Attraction

You're the star on CherriPik. People aren't coming to check the weather or catch up with friends, they are coming for the offers, your offers. And, as the number of customers seeing your offers grows, so do your sales. 

So, let's go "dangle a carrot", register using the button below.
